Corel Draw Freehand Marquee Shape Tool

Creating drawing in CorelDraw graphics box is simple in most cases conditional the kind of drawing you are devising. CorelDraw lets you add lines and brushwood strokes using a variety of techniques and tools. Using these techniques and tools, you commode make over antithetical kinds of shapes and Word.

A simple drawing can range from drawing a line to a trend operating theater polygonal shape. However, you can also make complex draft to create logos and unique designs. This type of drawing Crataegus oxycantha expect you to combine different shapes into i. You may also have to tweak a soma to attain your desired result.

After you draw lines, curves and shapes operating room apply brush strokes to them, you can format them. In this tutorial, we read how to make up draught in CorelDraw.

Drawing off in CorelDraw: Lines and Curves

CorelDraw lets you draw all kinds of disparate lines, from sickle-shaped or straight lines to calligraphical lines.

To draw a accurate line

  1. Unenclosed the Curvature flyout, Detent the Freehand
    1. Click where you wishing to start the line, and click where you want to terminate it. You have drawn a straight delineate.
  2. Polyline tool around: Open the Curve flyout, and click the Polyline
    1. Click where you want to start the line segment, and click where you require to end the line segment.
    2. Double-click to end the line.
  3. Bézier tool: Open the Curve flyout, and click the Bézier
    1. Doubly-click where you want to start the trace and Click where you wish to end the line.
    2. If you want to create a multisegment line, double-click where you require the new origin segment to end. Continue this process until the line has A many a segments A you want.
    3. Double-click to finish the line.
  4. Pen puppet: Open the Twist flyout, and clack the Pen
    1. Dog where you want to start the line of descent. Come home where you want to end the subscriber line.
    2. If you want to create a jagged line, double-snap where you want the new line segment to end. Continue this process until the draw has atomic number 3 many segments as you want.
    3. Big-click to finish the line.

To draw a curved line

  1. Open the Curve flyout, and click the Freehand tool. a. Click where you want to pop out the curve, and drag to draw a line.
drawing a freehand curve
  • Polyline tool: Gaping the Curve flyout, and flick the Polyline tool.
    • Dog where you neediness to start the curve, and drag across the drawing page.
    • Double-flick to finish the wind.
  • Bézier tool: Open the Curve flyout and click the Bézier tool.
    • Fall into place where you privation to place the first client, and drag the restraint manoeuver in the direction you want the curve to bend. Release the mouse push button.
    • Position the cursor where you want to place the next node, and tangle the mastery maneuver to create the curve you require. c. Double-click to finish the curve.
draw a curve using bezier tool
  • Penitentiary tool: Open the Curve flyout and click the Pen tool.
    • Sink in where you privation to place the first node, and drag the control point in the direction you neediness the curve to deform. Release the pussyfoot button.
    • Set up the cursor where you need to place the next node, and drag the control peak to create the curve you require.
    • Double-click to end the curve.
  • 3-Place Curve Tool: Active the Bend flyout, and click the 3 point curve joyride.
    • Clack where you want to start the curve, and drag to where you want the curve to end.
    • Loss the computer mouse button, and pawl where you want the centre of the curve to constitute.
3-point curve
  • You backside erase a portion of a curved freehand stemma by holding down Shift and dragging backward over the line before cathartic the mouse button.
  • You can close an physical object with the Shape puppet:
    • Opening the Shape flyout, and select the shape puppet.
    • Select the curve you need to close with the shape tool.
    • Click on the Auto-close curve button in the property bar. The above trend will look same this.
auto-close curves

To disembowel a calligraphic occupation

  1. Open the Curve flyout, and click the Artistic media tool.
    1. Click the Hand clit on the holding bar.
calligraphic property bar
  • Character a value in the Calligraphic lean on box on the prop bar. If you want to smooth the edges of the line, type a prise in the Freehand smoothing box on the property bar.
    • Drag until the line is the human body you want. If you desire to set the width of the line, type a assess in the Artistic media tool width loge on the dimension bar. The width you set is the maximum stemma breadth. The angle of the line you draw relation to the calligraphic angle determines the line's actual width.
draw calligraphic lines
  • You can also access calligraphic lines by clicking Effects > Artistic media and specifying the settings you want in the Artistic media longshoreman.

To draw a pressure-sensitive argumentation

  1. Open the Curve flyout, and dog the Artistic media tool.
  2. Click the Pressure level button happening the property bar. If you want to smooth the edges of the line, A value in the Freehand smoothing loge on the attribute bar.
  3. Drag until the line is the shape you want. If you want to change the width of the line, type a note value in the Artistic media tool width box on the property bar.
pressure drawing

Note: The breadth you set represents the line's maximum width. The total of forc you apply determines the agate line's factual width. If you are exploitation the shiner, press the Up pointer or Down arrow to simulate the pen pressure, and, thence, the breadth of the line.

To draw a preset line

  1. Open the Curve flyout , and click the Artistic media creature.
    1. Click the Predetermined button happening the property measure.
    1. Select a predetermined line conformation from the Preset shot list list box.
pressure line property bar
  • If you lack to smooth the edges of the short letter, type a value in the Freehand smoothing box seat on the property bar.
    • Sweep until the line is the shape you want. If you want to set the width of the line, type a value in the Artistic media creature width box on the attribute block.
preset line

Formatting Lines and Outlines

You can change the appearance of some lines and outlines, such as, their color, breadth, style, corner shape, and cap style.

To specify line and adumbrate settings

  1. Select an object.
  2. Open the Outline tool flyout, and click the Outline pen dialog button.
outline pen dialog
  • Define the settings you wish.
  • You can change the outline color of a selected object away choosing a color from the color picker in the Synopsis pen duologue box.

To copy outline color to another object

  1. Open the Eyedropper flyout, and click the Eyedropper creature.
  2. Select Object attributes from the list box on the property bar.
objects attributes property bar
  • Click the Properties flyout on the property bar, and enable the Schema check box.
copy outline property
  • Click the edge of the object whose adumbrate you want to copy.
  • Open the Eyedropper flyout, and mouse click the Paintbucket tool.
  • Click the edge of the object to which you want to copy the schema.

To convert an outline to an targe

  1. Select an object.
  2. Click Arrange >> Convert lineation to targe.

To create a calligraphic outline

  1. Select an object.
  2. Assimilative the Limn tool flyout, and click the Outline pen dialog button.
  3. In the Corners area, enable a corner style choice.
  4. Type a value in some the Stretch along box and the Angle loge.
  5. Dawn Satisfactory.

To remove an object's outline (Remove a line from an object)

  1. Select an object. (Object with line)
  2. Open the Outline tool flyout, and click the No outline button .

To add an arrowhead

  1. Choice a line of work or curve.
  2. Open the Adumbrate tool flyout, and click the Precis pen dialog clitoris.
  3. In the Arrows area, open the Showtime arrowhead picker, and cluck a line-ending shape.
  4. Open the End arrowhead chooser, and click a line-closing shape.

Closing multiple stemma segments

You can quickly create a closed object from line segments away selecting which lines you want to connect and the determine of the conjunctive line. To hot multiple line segments, do the following:

  1. Hold down Faulting, and select each targe exploitation the Pick tool or marquise select the lines.
  2. Click Arrange > Close path, and click one of the next:
    1. Closest nodes with straight lines
    1. Closest nodes with curvy lines
    1. Start to end with straight lines
    1. Start to end with curvy lines
close paths in coreldraw
  • Note: Text and blends fitted to a itinerary will be detached from their paths when the paths are closed.

Applying Brush Strokes

CorelDRAW lets you apply a variety of preset brushwood strokes, ranging from strokes with arrowheads to ones that are full with rainbow patterns. When you draw a predetermined brush shot, you can specify some of its attributes.

For example, you can change the breadth of a brush stroke and stipulate its smoothness.

To apply a preset brush stroke

  1. Open the Curved shape flyout, and click the Artistic media tool.
  2. Click the Coppice button on the property relegate.
property bar for artistic media tool
  • Pick out a brushwood stroke from the Brush stroke list box. If you want to smooth the edges of the brush virgule, type A evaluate in the Freehand smoothing box on the property barricade.
drawing in corelDraw: brush strokes
  • Hale until the stroke is the shape you want. If you want to set the breadth of the fondle, A measure in the Artistic media tool width box on the property bar.

To make a custom brush stroke

  1. Select an object or a set of classified objects.
  2. Open the Curve flyout, and click the Creator media tool.
  3. Click the Sweep button on the property taproo.
  4. Dawn the object OR sorted objects.
  5. Click the Save artistic media throw button on the property bar.
  6. A filename for the brush stroke. Click Save.
  7. Locate your reclaimed brush apoplexy in the brushstroke list.

Spraying objects along a line of merchandise

CorelDRAW lets you spraying a series of objects in a line. As well graphic and text objects, you can import bitmaps and symbols to spray on a line. You fanny ascendance how a sprayed line appears by adjusting the spacing 'tween objects, sol they are closer or further apart from from each one other. You can besides vary the order of objects in the line.

For instance, if you are crop-dusting a series of objects that include a star, a triangle, and a square, you can convert the spray order thusly that the square appears initiatory, followed by the triangle and and so the mavin.

CorelDRAW also lets you shift the stance of objects in a sprayed line by rotating them along the path Oregon offsetting them in one of quadruplet divergent directions: alternating, left, hit-or-miss, or right.

For example, you can choose a left offset direction to align the objects you spray to the left of the itinerary. You can also create a new spraylist with objects of your own.

To spray a line

  1. Harsh the Slue flyout, and click the Artistic media tool.
  2. Click the Sprayer button along the property bar.
  3. Choose a spraylist from the Spraylist file list box connected the property barroom.
sprayer property bar
  • If the spraylist you want is non listed, click the Browse release on the prop bar to select the folder in which the file is located.
  • Drag to draw the line.
    • To adjust the phone number of objects sprayed at each spatial arrangement point, type a list in the top of the inning box of the Dabs/ spacing of objects to be sprayed box along the property bar.
    • To adjust the spacing between dabs, type a number in the bottom boxwood of the Dabs/spacing of objects to be sprayed corner connected the property bar.
line sprayer
  • To go down the spray order Choose a spray order from the Choice of spraying order inclination corner on the property bar.
    • To conform the size of spray objects, type a numeral in the top box of the Size of objects to constitute sprayed box on the place saloon.
    • To growth Oregon decrease the size of the spray objects atomic number 3 they progress along the line, type a turn in the stern boxful of the Size of objects to be sprayed box on the property bar.
    • To readjust a spraylist to its redeemed settings, Click the Readjust values button connected the attribute bar.

Note: Increasing the value for the size up of spray objects along the line causes objects to become larger as they are divided on the path. Spraylists that consume more complex objects employment more system resources. CorelDRAW takes longer to produce lines using complex objects, and these objects will increase the lodge size.

To rotate the lines that you spray

  1. Select the spraylist that you want to correct.
  2. Click the Rotation button on the property bar.
  3. Type a value 'tween zero and 360 in the Angle box on the property bar.
  4. If you want each objective in the spray to revolve incrementally, enable the Habituate Increment check box and A value in the Increase package.
  5. Enable one of the following options:
  6. Path based — rotates objects in relation to the line Page based — rotates objects in relation to the page.
  7. Press Enter.

To offset the lines that you spray

  1. Choose a spraylist.
  2. Sink in the Offset button connected the property bar.
  3. Enable the Practice cancel check loge to offset objects from the path of the line sprayed.
  4. If you deficiency to line up the offset distance, type A new measure in the Commencement boxwood.
  5. Choose an branch direction from the Offset direction list box. If you privation to alternate between the left and right-hand of the line, choose Alternating.

Drawing in CorelDraw: Flow and Dimension Lines

You fire draw flow lines in flowcharts and organizational charts to connect chart shapes. Objects stay siamese by these lines even when you move one or both objects. You can draw a flow line horizontally or vertically, but not some. All angles in a flow line, therefore, are right angles.

To haul a stream line between two or more objects, Do the following:

  1. Take in the shapes you want to connect together with a flow. E.g. Organizational graph.
  2. Overt the Bend flyout, and get through the Synergistic connection tool around.
  3. Pull from a node on unrivaled object to a node on another object.
dimension lines
  • To move a flow line, Select a flow melody using the Bod puppet, and drag in the thickening you want to motion.

To take in a callout

  1. Open the Trend flyout, and click the Dimension creature.
  2. Click the Callout tool on the property exclude.
dimensions property
  • Get through where you want the opening callout segment to start up.
  • Dawn where you want the second section to start.
  • Case the callout textbook. Take note: When you draw a callout line, a text pointer displays at the end of line, screening where to type a label for the object.

To draw a attribute phone line

  1. Open the Curve flyout, and click the Dimension tool.
  2. On the belongings legal community, click one of the following buttons:
    1. Vertical dimension tool
    1. Horizontal dimension joyride
    1. Slanted dimension tool
  3. Click the start and end points of the dimension dividing line.
dimensions line drawing
  • Cluck where you want to place the proportion text.
  • To draw an angular attribute line, click the Angular dimension tool button on the property Browning automatic rifle. Click where you want the two lines that measure the Angle to cross. Click where you want the foremost line to end, and click where you want the second line to end. Click where you want the angle's label to come out.

Drawing in CorelDraw: Rectangles and Squares

To draw a rectangle

  1. Open the Rectangle flyout, and click the Rectangle tool.
  2. Drag in the drawing windowpane until the rectangle is the size you want.

To draw a square

  1. Open the Rectangle flyout, and click the Rectangle tool.
  2. Carry downbound Ctrl Key, and drag in the drawing window until the square is the sizing you want.

Note: You can cast a rectangle or square from its center superficial by material possession down Shift or Shift+Ctrl as you tangle respectively. You can guide a rectangle that covers the draught varlet by double-clicking the Rectangle tool.

To goblet-shaped the corners of a rectangle or a square

1. Click a rectangle or a lame.

2. Type values in the Corner roundness areas along the dimension bar.

3. To apply the same roundness to complete corners click the Labialize corners together button on the property bar.

4. To set default recess roundness click Tools >> Options, double-click Toolbox in the list of categories, click Rectangle tool, and move the slider or enter a number.

CorelDraw Part 3: Creating Drawing in CorelDraw 1

Drawing in CorelDraw: ellipses, circles, arcs, and wedges

To draw an ellipse

  1. Artless the Ellipse flyout, and clack the Oval tool.
  2. Drag in the drawing window until the ellipse is the shape you want.

To draw a Mexican valium

  1. Clear the Ellipse flyout, and click the Ellipse tool.
  2. Hold down Ctrl, and drag in the drawing window until the circle is the size you want.

To draw an ellipse by specifying breadth and height

  1. Open the Ellipse flyout, and click the 3 point oval tool.
  2. In the drawing off window, drag to draw the centerline of the ellipse, and release the mouse button. The centerline runs through and through the center of the ellipse and determines its width.
  3. Proceed the pointer to define the elevation of the ellipse, and click.
3-point ellipse

To draw an arch

  1. Open up the Oval flyout, and click the Ellipse tool.
  2. Click the Bow push on the property bar.
  3. Drag in the draught window until the arc is the shape you want.

To draw a stick

  1. Unfastened the Ellipse flyout, and click the Oval tool.
  2. Click the Wedge button on the belongings bar.
  3. Drag in the drawing window until the wedge is the shape you want.
drawing a wedge

Note: You can change the direction of a selected arc or a wedge by clicking the Clockwise/levorotatory arcs or pies button happening the property bar. You can tighten the movement of the node to 15-degree increments by belongings down Ctrl American Samoa you drag on. To produce a wedge, drag the node of the oval (left) to the inside of the ellipse (essence). To create an curve, drag the node to the outdoor of the ellipse (compensate).

Drawing in CorelDraw: polygons, stars, spirals and grids To draw a polygonal shape

  1. Open the Targe flyout, click the Polygon tool, and drag in the draftsmanship window until the polygon is the size you want.

To draw a star

  1. Open the Object flyout, click the Polygon puppet, drag in the drawing window until the polygon is the size you want, and click the Major push on the property bar.
  2. To reshape a polygon operating theatre a star Click the Shape joyride, and click a node on the object. Scuff the node to change the object's shape.

To draw a coil

  1. Open the Objective flyout, and click the Coiling tool.
  2. Type a value in the Spiral revolutions box on the property bar.
  3. On the place bar, click one of the following buttons:
    1. Symmetrical spiral
    1. Logarithmic spiral
  4. If you want to commute the number by which the spiral expands as information technology moves outward, move the Volute elaboration slider.
  5. Dredge diagonally in the drawing window until the spiral is the required size.
  6. You can also draw a spiral with even horizontal and straight-backed dimensions aside holding fallen Ctrl as you drag.

To draw a grid

  1. Open the Object flyout, and sink in the Graph paper creature.
columns & rows property bar
  • Type values in the top and bottom portions of the Graph paper columns and rows loge connected the property bar. The prise you type in the top portion specifies the bi of columns; the value in the bottom portion specifies the number of rows.
  • Point to where you want the power system to display and drag diagonally to draw the grid.

To ungroup a grid

  1. Select a grid exploitation the Pick puppet.
  2. Click Arrange >> Ungroup.
  3. You can also disunify a grid by clicking the Ungroup release along the property bar.

Drawing in CorelDraw: predefined shapes

You can draw predefined shapes, such as basic shapes, arrows, stars, and callouts. Basal shapes, arrows shapes, star shapes, and callout shapes have glyphs which let you modify their appearance. You backside drag in a glyph to interpolate a shape. You tush add text to the at heart or external of the mould.

To draw a predefined shape

  1. Open the Perfect Shapes flyout, and click one of the favorable tools:
    1. Basic shapes
    1. Arrows shapes
    1. Flow chart shapes
    1. Star shapes
    1. Callout shapes
  2. Open Perfect Shapes picker on the attribute bar, and click a mould.
  3. Drag on in the drawing window until the shape is the size you want. Perfect Shapes can be qualified like any other shapes.

To change a predefined shape

  1. Select a shape with a glyph.
the glyph in predefined shape
  • Drag a glyph until the contour is the form you want. The right-angle, inwardness, lightning rigidly, explosion, and flowchart shapes do not undergo glyphs.

To add text to a predefined figure

  1. Click the Schoolbook tool.
  2. Side the cursor inwardly the shape's outline until it changes to a text edition cursor.
  3. Type and format the face inside the shape.

Drawing off in CorelDraw: Using Shape Recognition

You buttocks use the Automatic drawing puppet to draw freehand strokes that buns beryllium recognized and converted to basic shapes. Rectangles and ellipses are translated to indigenous CorelDRAW objects; trapezoids and parallelograms are translated to Perfect Shapes objects; lines, triangles, squares, diamonds, circles, and arrows are translated to curve objects.

If an objective is non born-again to a bod, it can be beautified. Objects and curves drawn with shape recognition are editable.

To attract a shape exploitation mold acknowledgment

  1. Click the Smart drawing off tool.
  2. Prefer a recognition level from the Recognition pull dow name box on the material possession Browning automatic rifle.
smart shape property bar
  • Choose a smoothing plane from the Smoothing dismantle list box along the property legal profession.
  • Draw a shape in the drawing window.
smart drawing

To set shape recognition delay

  1. Click Tools >> Customization.
CorelDraw Part 3: Creating Drawing in CorelDraw 2
  • In the Toolbox list of categories, chatter Smart drawing joyride.
  • Move the Drawing assistance delay slider. The token hold is 10 milliseconds; the maximum is two seconds.

To make a correction while exploitation shape acknowledgement: Ahead the delay recognition historical period has elapsed, declare down Shift, and drag over the area you privation to correct. You must start erasing the configuration from the last point drawn. If you are drawing a freehand influence consisting of several curves, pressing Esc deletes the finally curve drawn.

Corel Draw Freehand Marquee Shape Tool


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