What to Do for a Pulled Lower Back Muscle

Angela Santini, MD

Angela Santini, MD is lath certified in orthopedic surgery and fellowship trained in spinal surgery. She is a member of the Inova Spine Program with privileges at Inova Loudoun Infirmary , which has earned the Gilded Seal of Blessing® from The Articulation Commission for spine surgery. Dr. Santini serves equally Chief Medical Manager of Virginia Spine and Sports Orthopaedics in Loudoun County.

Back strains can occur anytime, anywhere, during near whatsoever kind of action. Luckily, "throwing your back out" is usually a temporary state of affairs. The sudden onset of pain caused by twisting, lifting or bending is well-nigh oft due to a muscle strain. Equally we age, we become more prone to muscle strains considering our muscles lose elasticity.

Nigh people tin can identify the injury or action that caused their pain. 1 minute y'all are bending over to tie your shoe, reaching for something in a chiffonier or teeing off on the back 9. Then, out of nowhere, "OUCH!" – sudden tension and hurting in the mid to lower back.

Throwing your back out can cause intense low-back pain and stiffness. It can even exist an on–the-flooring-tin can't-motion debilitating feel. Typical symptoms include muscle spasms with bouts of muscle tightening and difficulty continuing up straight. You want pain relief and y'all want it at present!

The good news is, in most cases, your back pain volition go away on its own. Here are some at-home tips to assist you experience better in the meantime.


  • Stop what you are doing and apply ice to ease the hurting and inflammation. Cold therapy tin can be connected for about twenty minutes every 6-8 hours for the next ii-three days. But recall – don't put ice straight on your skin. It can harm the tissues and nerve endings.
  • You may find it helpful to lie flat on your back on a hard surface for support, rather than a cushy bed. This can help relax the injured muscles in the immediate aftermath.
  • Pain relievers such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen (Advil) and naproxen (Aleve) tin help. However, they may non be advisable for anyone with kidney bug or a stomach ulcer. It'due south a proficient thought to check with your md about which medications you should or should not take.
  • Once you are upright and stabilized, exercise whatever you can to stay that fashion so your injury does not worsen. That means avoiding bending, lifting or twisting through the spine. If y'all demand to pick upwardly something from the floor, go along your spine straight. When you lot brush your teeth or launder the dishes, maintain a straight, neutral spine, angle forward from your hips.
  • Sleep in a position that's comfortable for your spine. Put pillows under your knees when you are on your back or a pillow between your legs if you sleep on your side. This helps the muscles to release.
  • If your pain persists after the third day, attempt a trivial moist heat. This can assistance reduce stiffness and improve claret menstruum to the injured area.
  • Massaging the affected muscle with firm pressure level may help reduce tension. Press on the area for thirty-60 seconds, and so rub the surrounding area in a circular motion.
  • Drinkable h2o to stay hydrated when you lot are recovering from injury. Chronic dehydration can affect the strength and quality of your spinal muscles.
  • If tolerated, effort to stay mobile in the outset few days after your injury. Movement gently. Balmy motility is amend than bed rest. Whatsoever lengthy bed residuum can prolong your back pain.
  • When y'all are gear up, engage in wearisome, easy stretching such equally pulling your knees toward the breast. If it hurts doing any exercise, stop, slow down and endeavor again afterwards. Walking for brusk intervals tin can likewise help.
  • Get back to your regular activities, such as work, equally soon as you can. Modify activities equally needed. But remember, staying active will stimulate blood catamenia, increase flexibility and prevent spasms.


  • Practise not endeavor to "play through the pain." Information technology is essential to let your body recover before resuming strenuous activity.
  • Exercise not sleep on your stomach. This can worsen back pain.
  • Do not perform heavy lifting or repetitive twisting of your back for up to six weeks. This tin disrupt the healing procedure.
  • Exercise non ignore how you injured yourself. Make changes to the mode you lift. Practice good posture and use judgement when lifting heavy items (enquire another person to assist y'all). Strengthen your core with abdominal exercises, which can protect your back. Do not sit down in ane position for long periods of time. Movement effectually and stretch every twenty minutes to assistance prevent injury. Consider lifestyle changes such equally losing weight to reduce your chances of recurring back issues.

Later on throwing your back out, information technology is natural to worry that your dorsum will never become amend. Listen to your pain and have intendance of yourself. You lot will nearly probable be on the road to recovery with these simple at-dwelling solutions.

Symptoms that require prompt medical attention, simply are non an emergency include:

  • Pain that has not reduced with calm treatments
  • Pain that continues to interfere with your daily activities

Seek emergency medical attention if y'all have the post-obit symptoms related to your back pain:

  • Bladder or bowel dysfunction
  • Numbness down one or both legs
  • Weakness or pain in your legs
  • Fever greater than 101.v F, or other symptoms of illness

Dorsum Hurting Treatment in Northern Virginia

 To make an appointment, call the Inova Spine Plan at 703-776-4700 or visit inovaspine.org


Source: https://www.inovanewsroom.org/featured-posts/2019/09/injured-your-back-dos-and-donts-for-a-quick-recovery/

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